Welcome to the world of my books!
I write stories kids love. They often tell me that they crack up laughing as they read.
I write in simple language about children and the challenges of their lives, large and small. I explore characters living with courage and imagination, in search of love and joy. Over four million copies of my books have been sold. |
* June 2014. Ann's books are issued in new editions in Britain, with this review from The School Library.
"It is great to see a very welcome re-issue for the 'Julian and Huey' series by Ann Cameron, which have apparently sold over 120,000 copies since their first publication in 1990. Brand-new illustrations and modern typesetting insure that their appeal for new generations will continue. At the time their portrayal of a genuinely multicultural Britain was groundbreaking, but it is their great characterization and irrepressible fun which has kept them such a popular series." [Click cover for full display]

Shelburne, Vermont, October 2011